Members club to learn how to make investment income

A membership training club where investors can receive necessary education, tools, and consultation

Member-only "system that increases money if you do not lose even if you do not win" is being offered

(For details, contact LINE official)

🎁 Investment tools and know-how free gifts 🎁

You can get tools and know-how that are useful for investment!

👇 If you register as a member, there are many benefits!




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Bronze member registration is required to receive benefits

Member-only tool aiming to exceed monthly income

All indicators work together

We develop and provide original "TimeDimenSion" system.

Technical analysis at the same level as a veteran investor is possible!

Thinking charts are difficult is actually the opposite

Charts make investing easy

Get the "latest tool" that visualizes difficult price movements with colors, letters, and signs, and make investment easy!

We support investors regardless of whether they are beginners or veterans.

Smart Online Traders Club

📔 Information on each site of our members club 📔

Non-member page (current)

This page you are viewing now is for registering as a club member.

First of all, create an account dedicated to this club for free, register as a Bronze member, and enjoy Bronze member-only content such as watching video lectures and participating in seminars for free.

If you create an account, we also have a gift for you.

See the Bronze Member Registration Form at the bottom of this page for details.

🥉 Bronze Member Page 🥉

The Bronze Members page features exclusive videos, articles, and more.

You can also see all the explanations on how to create a TradingView account and how to use it, which are useful for investment analysis, for free.

We will also inform you about free and paid seminars and offline events held every month.

We also have an original indicator "Magic Moving Average Line" as a gift.

🥈Silver Member Page🥈

On the silver member page, recordings of trade consultations that are paid for are posted and can be viewed for free.

What members are teaching in consulting will surely be helpful for you, so please learn firmly for free.

We also publish online courses for young investors and introduce unique original indicators introduced on TikTok.

You can also experience using your favorite indicator.

🥇Gold Member Page🥇

On the gold member page, you can watch for free ㊙️ unpublished commentary videos about how to read charts and trading techniques that take years to notice.

Monthly trade consulting

・Follow-up seminars ・Forums for stock discovery

You can also watch paid recordings for free.

Also, for platinum member promotion

・Trade video course to understand the tricks of the chart

・Trade consulting service for achieving results in investment

There is information about

Bronze member registration guide

As a Bronze member, you can receive the following benefits for free

There are no monthly charges.

In addition to free seminars, there is information on paid seminars on the member site displayed after member registration.

  • receive a roadmap

  • Chart analysis ㊙️ Toranomaki delivery

  • Receive free seminar information

Sign up for free as a Bronze member and receive exclusive benefits
